
Registration of the successful candidates of the Panhellenic Examinations of each academic year in the Schools and Departments of Higher Education takes place during the period defined by a ministerial decision.

For the registration of the successful candidates, a mandatory electronic registration system has been implemented without the need to submit supporting documents and without requiring the transfer of the successful candidates to their Schools and Departments.

In this way, the successful candidates are not burdened neither with the additional cost of traveling for their registration nor with the additional process of collecting and sending supporting documents.

Τhe process of registration in Higher Education is carried out during the above period, with the application of the candidates for the School or Department they succeeded, through the electronic application of the Ministry of Education at the online address, entering the same code access (password) used by the candidates for their entry into the electronic application of the Computerized Pass.

The application is in operation for a period of time corresponding to the registration period.

To access the online application, the school units will provide support to the successful candidates in terms of passwords, while after entering the application, a detailed user manual will be available for their convenience.

Through the online application, the candidates, in the event that they have registered the previous year in a School or Department of Higher Education, will declare the School or Department in which they are already registered and will simultaneously request their deletion, in order to complete the registration in new School or in the new Department.

The registration application of candidates through the Ministry of Education's online application is a Self-Declaration Document. Successful applicants after entering the application will be asked to fill in their Social Security Number (AMKA), which will be verified through interoperability with the National AMKA Registry.

If the personal details that appear pre-filled in the application do not agree with the details of the police identity card or passport, then the candidates must proceed with the immediate ammendements and update of their incorrect details in the systems of the AMKA National Registry, through a relevant application at any KEP.

The candidate, after checking the correctness of the displayed modified data, should complete his online registration within the appointed period.

In order to have access to the academic services of each School and Department, those registered must present to the Secretariat of the Department or School an identity card or passport, in order to be identified.

In any case, the Secretariat may request additional supporting documents from the registrants.

It is pointed out that all the above registration procedures are completed either by the applicants themselves or by a person legally authorized by them.


Updated: 05-07-2023
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