
Internal evaluation:

The Department of Food Science and Technology composes, every July, an Internal Evaluation Report concerning the preceding academic year. The internal evaluation reports are submitted to the MODIP of the Ionian University. Any observations arising from the respective "Findings Report" of the MODIP of the Ionian University, are immediately taken into account by the Department and are answered/clarified. The Department's final Internal Evaluation-Monitoring reports (along with the relevant attached files) are posted on the Foundation's MODIP website, and are open/accessible at:


External evaluation

Following the invitation no. 23390/23.7.2021 for the submission of proposals for certification of new Undergraduate Study Programs in operation and the document no. 26187/16.2.2022 extending the submission of said proposals, the Department of Food Science and Technology submitted in March 2022 (through the MODIP of the Ionian University), Proposal for Certification to the National Authority of Higher Education (ETHAAE) [Submission of a Proposal for Certification of a new Undergraduate Study Program in operation: Food Science and Technology of the Ionian University, with reference number MODIP/119/31-03-2022 ].

Following ETHAEE document No. 30764/29-11-2022, a revised version of the Food Science and Technology Undergraduate Study Program Certification Proposal was submitted in December 2022 [Submission of a revised version of the Certification Proposal for a new Undergraduate Study Program in operation: Food Science and Technology of the Ionian University, with reference number MODIP/181/13-12-2022].

The Undergraduate Study Program of the Department of Food Science and Technology of the Ionian University is awaiting the external evaluation-certification process.

Updated: 15-04-2024
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