

From the year 2023:

- The Ionian University grants a student award of 500€ to the first student of the Department, who obtained the highest score and completed his/her studies within the normal time (8 academic semesters) provided by the study program ( 10th Meeting of the Rector's Council for the academic year 2023-2024).

- The "Corfu Rotary Club" awards a prize of €300 to the top student of each School, who obtained the highest score and completed his/her studies within the normal time provided by the study program.


The Department awards the "Gerasimos Arsenis" scholarship to an excellent student of the Department, according to the ruling of the Governing Committee of the former T.E.I. Ionian Islands No. 4/27-1-2017 in which the following are mentioned, among others:

"The student who will receive the "Gerasimos Arsenis" scholarship must meet the following criteria:

  1. To have completed the 3rd year of studies or is in the 6th standard semester in the event that the scholarship is awarded in September
  2. To have passed all the courses of the first three years (Semester 1 to 6)
  3. To have the highest grade point average in the courses of the 1st to 6th semester"

The "Gerasimos Arsenis" scholarship (1000 €), is awarded annually during the swearing-in ceremony in December.

Updated: 16-04-2024

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