Τraineeships in the European Economic and Social Committee - Deadline 31/3/2023

Δημοσίευση: 28-03-2023 18:46 | Προβολές: 2492
Σημαντική Ημερομηνία: 31-03-2023

Twice a year the European Economic and Social Committee offers traineeships for a period of five months to university graduates.

These periods of in-service training offer an opportunity to learn about the EESC's roles and activities and to acquire professional experience in a multicultural environment. They begin on 16 February and 16 September of each year and take place in the Committee's offices in Brussels. For a brief description of the EESC's organisation chart and tasks typically carried out by trainees, please consult the downloads.

Long-term trainees are given a monthly grant in accordance with the provisions regarding traineeships at the EESC. For long-term traineeships taking place within the time period 16/02/2023 – 15/02/2024 the amount of the grant is a lump sum of 1.340,47 EUR per month. The amount will remain unchanged until the end of the 2023 Autumn session (15/02/2024).

As the EESC receives far more applications than places available it is important:

  • That you respond to emails from the European Economic and Social Committee accurately and on time.
  • That you do not contact (either by e-mail or by telephone) any of our services but you should first wait until you receive an answer from us.

If your application is pre-selected, you will receive an email informing you about this and at that point you will be asked to upload copies of relevant documents (university diploma(s), and identity card or passport). It is not necessary to have certified copies made of your university degree certificate(s). Candidates who are not in possession of a university diploma can send a letter provided by the university stating that they have successfully completed a level of education corresponding to a university degree of three years study. Please note that your application can be updated as long as your status is "Registered". Please do not send your documents if you are not invited to do so in a separate email.

Candidates selected for a traineeship will at a later stage be asked to submit originals of an extract of the police record, as well as a medical certificate (trainees have to prove that they are medically fit to serve during the training period). Make sure that you keep copies of all documents sent to the training office.

Do not send the originals of your degree certificate(s) or other supporting documents (except where specified above).

It is not advisable to send an e-mail to our mailbox or directly to any of our services in order to support your application. The selection procedure is anonymous and personal contacts are not allowed.



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